Family vacation on a farm in St. Johann im Pongau
Welcome to Maurachhof in the province of Salzburg
What does vacation at the Maurachhof mean and what can we offer you? In addition to countless opportunities and activities in the surrounding region, we offer the following advantages for your vacation:

100% vacation fun guaranteed
What makes a vacation priceless? When the kids are happy and having fun and the parents can switch off for a change. For families, the Maurachhof offers many children’s activities, recreational opportunities & more.

Whether summer or winter
There is always something going on with us! We are also the perfect starting point for winter sports enthusiasts – perfect access to the Sportwelt AmadΓ© and in summer centrally located in the midst of the mountains for hikers, bike tourers & more.
Our farm is located in the Sankt Johanner Alpendorf at 750m on the Salzburger Land. In winter, it is a great advantage that you stay with us in the immediate vicinity of lifts and slopes. In the summer you have countless possibilities at your disposal. At our farm, families and especially children are offered a lot – farm animals, fresh air and fun and games for young and old. You can’t help but get into the vacation spirit, can you?
We wish you a lot of fun collecting impressions on our website and are looking forward to make you a non-binding offer for your next vacation.

Unsere Hoftiere
Viele Tiere erwarten Dich bei uns am Hof wie KΓΌhe, KΓ€lber, Ponys, Schafe, Ziegen, Schweine und viele mehr ...
Eigene Produkte
Mach mit beim Brotbacken im urigen Holzofen! Jedes Kind knetet und formt sein eigenes Brot
Bei uns wird dir nie langweilig, versprochen! Lustige Schubkarrenrennen mit anschlieΓender Siegerehrung, Pony reiten oder Lagerfeuerabende
Toni's Baumhaus
Im Wald & saftige Wiesen zum Spielen und Toben
Eigenes Pflegetier
FΓΌr jedes Kind gibt es bei uns am Bauernhof ein eigenes Tier zum Streicheln und Versorgen
Direkt am Hof erwartet dich unser Spielplatz mit Sandkiste, Kinderwippe, Schaukel, Go-Karts und vieles mehr!The accommodations at our farm are divided into rooms and apartments - depending on whether you want to spend your vacation as an active vacationer for two or as a family. Our largest apartments offer space for up to 8 people - even grandma and grandpa can come and enjoy the vacation!
A farm paradise for the whole family
With us you can expect vacation experiences and adventures that leave nothing to be desired.
We are already looking forward to seeing you!